
Posts tagged The Double Headed Seagulls
Slimline, by The Double Headed Seagulls, Re-Released on Bandcamp

Slimline feels exactly what it's like to be in your own mind, totally aware of it, and not giving a damn whether or not anyone actually cares about it. You are deeply into your solitude, and that's all.

Musically, Slimline is a relatively noisy album but an ultimately human listen. Elements of IDM, experimental, ambient, big beats (at times), supremely layered guitars, and intensely personal.

For optimal listening, allow yourself to be over-caffeinated after the sun goes down. It's best to be around people, so go to a coffee shop that's open 24 hours and enjoy the ambiance.

Suggested activities: Write in a journal, do some programming, enjoy the process of doing some intensely detailed art. Completely ignore every other person around.

BONUS: Included is a PDF of the original name of the Double Headed Seagulls: The Arms Race. This was a document that I planned upon putting on a website somewhere, but just never happened (until now!).

The Double Headed Seagulls II: Piano, to be released on August 7th, 2012

When you savor your favorite record from start to finish, time disappears. It’s no secret that us musicphiles fill our living rooms bursting with the music we love just so we can have that, over and over again. Although sometimes it’s easiest to grab only one track of an artist, it’s the sound of a sequence of songs that makes time disappear. We know it, and that’s why we’re snobs about music.

The most immediate benefit of listening to The Double Headed Seagulls’s record Piano is that each song builds a memory that takes a long time to disperse; the memory lasts a good minute into the next song. The transition between the songs is even more important than music itself. In music parlance, it’s the notes off the page that matter. This record is really meant to savored from one song to the next.

If you’re a dork about music, you’ll enjoy this challenging take on minimalism and trance, and it can be your on August 7th, 2012. If you’d like to be lazy and have info on Piano delivered to you, sign up to my email newsletter.

Here’s the track listing, in typical Double Headed Seagulls style:

  1. 01
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04
  5. 05
  6. 06
  7. 07
  8. 08
  9. 09
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12

Once again, if you want info on Piano delivered to you, subscribe to my email newsletter.